Convention of States
(Ignorance is bliss)
Whether you are for or against the Convention Of States, please take a moment to read this and consider heavily what I have to say. I was at the Helena Capital building to absorb the words of others...

Issues concerning political appointments revealed
Systemic Issues Of Concern The resignation of Republican State Senator Terry Gauthier (SD-40, Helena) revealed systemic issues in the replacement process that should be addressed by the State...
War Is Coming
By Lisa Jennison-Corbett I don't care who this offends, but I stand by it. War is coming, sooner or later! You the Government!! You are all a bunch of cowards! You raised the cost of living so high...

Hands Off Holland Lake!
Tom Opdahl At the meeting last night I listened to the concerned parties on both sides and thought about it for awhile. After the meeting I went to talk to one of the Powdr people and a woman was...

Due Process Denied In Ravalli County
By Joe Kirschten "A recent article in the Bitterroot Star, dated Oct 28, reported that the Public Land Water Access Association (PLWA) has filed suit against Ravalli County over the Hughes Creek...

A Constitutional Challenge!
By Rich Hulse "How many would accept campaign donations from an illegal source, such as a drug dealer or embezzler? How many would rationalize accepting them because “everyone else is doing it” or...

Billings Public Safety
By Jennifer Olsen, Billings Montana"All the reasons I’ll vote NO on public safety mill levy and I urge you to do the same. They don’t deserve more money. They need to manage what we already give...

Freedom Protection Project (FPP)
Part 1 By Patriots from Montana "HB702 Protects You From Employment & Other Discrimination Because You Refuse to Vaccinate or Carry a Vaccination Passport. We sense there’s a lot of questions...

Is Medical Help Available
Opinion/Editorial By Tim Ravndal We have received many reports over the past couple weeks that the new strain of the alphabet virus currently at "D" for "Delta" is running rampant. Here in Montana,...

United We Stand
By Rich Hulse "We can have no confidence in a Supreme Court whose justices voluntarily submit to mask mandates. We see legislators and governors skirting the issues of mandates by trying to make...

Honor & Respect
Op/Ed By Tim Ravndal Many of the great people of Montana are standing united against tyranny and are also remembering that freedom is not free. It is always refreshing for those that have served to...

Utilities and Public Schools
Parallel Monopolies with Parallel Results By Roger Koopman "Having served on the Montana Public Service Commission for eight years, I know something about monopolies. The main calling of the PSC is...

Legal Opinion Regarding Your Rights
By Pascal Redfern "...I want to address some points you made because they are used by so many who are pro-mask and pro-vaccine.Legal Arguments - The 1905 Decision (Jacobson vs. Mass concerning...

Montana Veterans Are Angry, Disgusted by the Latest News
"***By the way- that's me along with Coach Richard from the APC gym in the photo above. He's the Army veteran who teaches a killer boxing class every Saturday morning at 11 am in Billings. He also...

No Laws Exist For Mask Mandate
By Jeremy Trebas "I was alerted that on the GFPS website that masks will be required at the meeting to talk about requiring masks (or not). First of all, that is to work against people who do not...

Censorship Of A Hoe
By Kendra Seymour "So I just got unbanned from my 24 hours because I was telling my pregnancy story of 10 yrs ago I guess they didn't like the story, this goes back to last week we're a news segment...

Historic Veto Message
Photo from Madison’s Veto Message, Mar. 3, 1817 To the House of Representatives of the United States: "Having considered the bill this day presented to me entitled “An act to set...

Open letter to Montana Delegates
By Christine Ravndal I see that President Biden wants to mandate all federal employees to be vaccinated. I strongly urge you to vote against this, as this violates my private rights. For years we...

Fire Destroys All Resources
Op/Ed By Tim Ravndal Each year in Montana the challenges the people face are compounded by unforeseeable acts of nature. The past natural resource management planning has placed many renewable...

Constitution Must Remain Unchanged
Opinion By Ed Butcher "First of all I served with Tom McGillvray and supported his election—I strongly support 90% of his political efforts, but as a former political history professor [ten years]...

Ignoring Law Causes Extreme Displeasure
By Mitchell Walters The email below was sent to all of the members of the Districting and Apportionment Commissioner to register our extreme displeasure at the Commission's stated decision to...

School Boards Are In Control Of Education
Dear Stand Up Montana members, "The time to get involved in your local school board meetings is NOW! Our children are the future of this great nation and our leaders in education are intent in...

Search For The Truth Continues
Shared From Idaho Cold Cases "On Monday, July 9, 1973, at approximately 7:42 p.m., the body of a young woman was discovered near the river’s greenish-bluish shoreline, a sunny, radiant sky above....

Rights Against Trespass Defined
By KrisAnne Hall "If a government agent or assignee comes to your property, it will be important to those who wish to protect their privacy and property to KNOW THEIR RIGHTS. You do not have to...

Cry For Help Against The Wolves That Steal
IF THEY CAN DO IT TO ME THEY CAN DO IT TO YOU By John Stokes, "Hi. Thank you for your time in reading this. My name is John Stokes. I'm 69 and my wife of 47 years, is 68. She has severe COPD. She’s...

Theft Of Private Property
Stewards Of The Land Being Locked Out CNFM Editorial/Opinion The new threat against private property in Montana is being promoted as a feel good save the world from we the people action plan. The...

Fair & Open Elections & The Fake Media
By Representative Brad Tschida "Fair, open, and transparent elections are not a partisan issue. Irrespective of your beliefs or ideology, there is absolutely no rational person who wants to see...

School Board Meetings or Secret Society?
By: Bailee Meckley This series began with trying to get an interview with the New Superintendent of Townsend school district. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Bailee Meckley and I am a mom...

Plandemic In Montana Served Official Notice
Editorial Opinion By Tim Ravndal It has been a long road to get to where we are today in Montana. The plandemic has turned lives upside down and still today there are citizens that have lost all...

Liberal Montana News Media Exposed
Opinion by Jack Wiegman The Editor of the Daily Inter Lake Kalispell Newspaper was given a notice from an experienced news director. "Dear Editor,I am deeply saddened by your recent article on...

Adverse Or Hostile Takings
Do You Really Own Your Property By Vincent Schmuki "THERE IS A QUIRKY SOUNDING LAW THAT EXPLAINS WHY we are where we are in the United States today. The law is called Adverse Possession and we are a...

Hamilton City Council Hears Call To Duty
By Theresa Manzella "I would like to thank the Hamilton City Council for the way they handled the recent proposal for painted crosswalks, the emotional meetings that ensued, and ultimately for...

Home Defense Challenge In Carter County
Editors Note: Home invasion In Montana Is Real. The ability to check such action is a challenge especially for those that do not realize that the response time of law enforcement is not nearly as...

Fight For Our Survival As A Constitutional Republic Here In Montana
Constitutional Republic

Helena School Official Addresses The Plandemic
Opinion by Rex M. Weltz May 28, 2021 "Parents, Staff, and Families of the Helena Public Schools,As your incoming Superintendent, I would like to take this opportunity to briefly introduce myself and...

Speaking of Vetoed Legislation In Montana
By Sally Tucker "As the dust settles on the Montana 67th Legislative Session, citizens should be encouraged by the yeoman efforts of Governor Gianforte and Lt Governor Juras in their work with the...

Mask Policy Infringes On The Rights Of The Citizens
By Tim Ravndal Broadwater County officials in the beginning of the plandemic challenged the rights of the citizens. This practice continued with mandatory mask requirements causing businesses to...

Horse Lives Matter
By Heather Blom "I’ve had a week to think upon how to truly express how I feel about animal rights nuts/environmental wack-jobs. I’ve never been a fan, but now that their efforts have truly, truly...

What Happened
Analysis From A Patriot here in Montana on the dissent among the ranks. By Paul Vallely What has Happened to our Senior Military Officers? BY MG Paul E. Vallely US Army (Ret) The anti-Trump...

Broadwater County Officials Continue To Hide The Truth
Opinion Editorial By Tim Ravndal Broadwater County Officials Continue To Hide The Truth Behind The Curtain Back in July 2020, Broadwater County citizens witnessed a sliver of truth rise to the...

Oath Keepers Give Notice
Opinion Written By Stewart Rhodes “The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their...