headline NEWS

~ In Loving Memory ~
It is with a heavy heart that we report another tragedy here in Montana! JoAnn Malone, Champion Of Truth Many children and parents in Montana have seen and lived through the hard times where families are taken apart. Having courage to face the truth is always hard...
featured NEWS

A Storm Is Coming
By Rick DancerFrom our new home in Montana you can see storms as they move in from the north, making their way over Canyon Ferry Reservoir and into our little valley. You see these storms but never know if or when they will actually strike. There is another storm...

Legislative Immorality
We’ve all heard it said, time & again…"You can’t legislate morality.” But can you legislate Immorality? It certainly appears to many we talked to that those on the democratic side of the isle here in Montana believe that is the goal of the far left. Last week, all...

Theft Of Private Property
Stewards Of The Land Being Locked Out CNFM Editorial/Opinion The new threat against private property in Montana is being promoted as a feel good save the world from we the people action plan. The details of that plan have been hammered out behind the curtain, where...

Fair & Open Elections & The Fake Media
By Representative Brad Tschida "Fair, open, and transparent elections are not a partisan issue. Irrespective of your beliefs or ideology, there is absolutely no rational person who wants to see elections with even the slightest hint of suspicious or fraudulent...

Cascade County Sheriff Speaks To The People
The Sheriff's Promise To The People Will Never Expire! By Tim Ravndal The challenges that have been facing law enforcement without question weigh on all officials, especially county sheriffs across Montana. Recently the heat was felt in Cascade County when the local...

Big Sky Heritage Area Scam Against The People
National Heritage Area Designation Will Cause Problems With Existing Use By Tim Ravndal The City of Great Falls will be holding a very important meeting on July 6th 2021. The citizens of Great Falls are being asked to weigh in on the Big Sky Heritage Area designation...

Tyranny Put In Its Place In Missoula
Missoula Official Tyranny Stopped By One Citizen By Tim Ravndal Montana Health Care has been front and center for the past 2 years based on the tyrannic plandemic. The rights of the people have been severely strained at so many levels. One citizen in Missoula Montana...

Montana First Judicial District Strikes Against 2nd Amendment
"The Right To Keep & Bear Arms Shall Not Be Called Into Question" By Tim Ravndal Montana Legislature passed HB102 which adds another layer of protection for the 2nd Amendment rights of the people. The new law signed by Governor Greg Gianforte for the people of...

Will Government Protect The People From The Plandemic?
Masked And Afraid By Tim Ravndal Back in April of 2020, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) provided guidance to employees for a level of respect and protection on the job. OSHA provided a guide to the American workforce to clarify how to deal...

Rio Tinto Begins Drilling For Copper And Gold
Historic Mining In Silver Star Montana Mining In Montana Continues Gold/Quartz From Broadway Mine Silver Star Montana By Tim Ravndal Rio Tinto has been looking to produce precious metals here in Montana for multiple years. It is clear why the old saying about "Thar is...

Are District Court Judges Ignoring The Law
First Judicial District Court Under Fire By Tim Ravndal Judge Jim Reynolds sat on the bench in the First Judicial Court of Montana for multiple years. When first elected Mr. Reynolds was questioned in his promise to uphold the Constitution first. In Broadwater County,...

Attorney General Knudsen Weighs In On Critical Race Theory
By Tim Ravndal On May 12th 2021 a legal opinion request was submitted to the Attorney General from Montana Superintendent of Public Instruction Elsie Arntzen. Clearly it is Elsie's job to care for the equal treatment of students in schools and to provide a...
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