Historic Mining In Silver Star Montana

Mining In Montana Continues

Gold/Quartz From Broadway Mine Silver Star Montana

By Tim Ravndal

Rio Tinto has been looking to produce precious metals here in Montana for multiple years. It is clear why the old saying about “Thar is Gold in them thar hills” rings true in the Treasure State. Rio Tinto is now ready to begin drilling at the Madison copper-gold project in Montana.

The deposits of precious metals in this area are part of history here in Montana with an emphasis on development of natural resources and wealth here at home. The property which is currently held by American Pacific Mining Corporation is ready for further development beginning with the drilling.

Rio Tinto has spent the past 2 years in the exploration stage of the project. Using modern technology combined with historic mining information several targets have been identified by the experts in the field.

Multiple companies are engaged in the Madison property project and it is teamwork in the mining industry that makes things happen. The Black Butte Project in Meagher County is a prime example of a company that is invested in making sure that the natural resource industry is in place and to ensure that the beneficial use of natural resources is not lost to eco~extremism.

It is expected that the Madison property project may potentially spend $30 million in development of the project. That is wealth that comes into Montana that benefits everyone not to mention the potential to create more jobs right here at home.

The Madison property is located near Silver Star, Montana. Those that have been down the highway past Silver Star know about the historic mining equipment that is displayed right there in town showing Montana history. The original mining program here in Montana was developed in districts in which many district are still in effect. The Madison project is in the Butte Mining District, which is home to the richest hill on earth! The property has both patented and unpatented claims that cover over 4 sections of land.

Madison project site photos Credit: American Pacific Mining Corp.

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