Representative Lola Galloway is on the front lines of taking care of history and to continue the legacy that has built the Treasure State. The little known town of Loma hosted the Arise USA Resurrection Tour where a message of hope and encouragement was delivered.

Representative Lola Galloway

Lola has the history as her family is generationally rooted in Loma. In the 2010 census the Population loma, was 85. Read more:

Lola proudly proclaims it is her job to continue the legacy of Montana heritage as she spoke to the crowd.

It is often that the heart and soul of Lola is heard in her voice with the signs of courage that is often revered in the Montana Legislature. Her message was well received and she inspired several people we talked to. Getting involved is the key to protecting the rights of future generations here in Montana as practiced by Lola and Representative Steven Galloway on behalf of the people of Montana.

Standing for freedom and Liberty is the duty of each and every citizen and Lola is well versed in sending that message. Everyone at the event could feel the heart strings with the display of passion to stand without fear.

Representative Lola Galloway Delivers Heart Felt Message To The People Of Montana

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