Historic Great Falls Photo From City Web Site

By Tim Ravndal

The city of Great Falls Montana has for many years been in the blue or purple category of politics. The process of citizen engagement in Great Falls has dramatically increased in the past several years based on better communication from elected officials working to represent the people.

Multiple issues have come into play due to the plandemic lock down. Many citizens are finding that they are not alone in their concern for the future The latest surge in public involvement revolves around the foundational rights of the people. We visited with City Commissioner Rick Tryon and asked him to provide the people a summary of what he sees important. Many things are happening in Great Falls, and are being talked about across the State of Montana.

.Malmstom AFB has been a huge part of Great Falls for multiple generations. With ongoing changes in military preparedness, losing the base would be a major economic crash for Great Falls. Great Falls is also highly dependent upon the agriculture industry. With threats from the federal government as well as organizational power plays being implemented, the future of farming is a high concern.

The Resurrection Tour

Trent Loos, who visited the area this week, made a call for the people to rise up and take a stand at the local government level. He stated that the surrounding area of Great Falls is known as the heart of the beast due to the history of strong willed American settlers that fought their way to live here in Montana. “We have decided that in order to save the republic, we must motivate the masses to show up and be heard. I have witnessed more people wearing caps that say, “We the People” in the past six months than I have in my 55 years on earth. It is that fire in the belly that allowed us to make the decision to join the “2021 Arise USA: Resurrection Tour.””

Trent Loos, leading the “Resurrection Tour”, made a stop in Loma Montana. In his address to the people of Montana, he echoed what Mr. Tryon has been taking to the City of Great Falls on behalf of the people for multiple years. With the many issues facing Great Falls, it is important to bring the people into the process in the beginning. A hands on engagement by the citizens is the key to making sure the people are properly represented by the city officials according to Mr. Tryon in his message.

Mr Tryon openly declared there is a need for the Great Falls City Commission to focus on city issues and not be pulled into statewide events that distract from taking care of the business of the citizens of Great Falls. With that, Mr. Tryon provided a snapshot of his devotion to protecting the rights of the citizens as an elected official. Getting citizens more involved in the process is his passion as city commissioner and hopes that the increase in interest will result in more citizen involvement.

Working together to coordinate the many different advisory boards is a big job. Mr. Tryon believes that providing the citizens a good idea of what is going on before decisions are made is essential to an open form of government for the people.

City Commissioner Rick Tryon

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