By Tim Ravndal

On January 6th 2021 a movement across America showed the elected officials that the brushfires in the minds of patriots has been lit. With many focusing on the negative event pushed out by the lamestream media it shows we are in trying times right here in Montana.

Newly elected Governor Greg Gianforte brought to the table a promise that he would roll back the plandemic directives instituted by bullock. He provided the citizens that he would roll those restrictions back in the next several weeks. Many citizens were surprised as they believed that upon taking office he would execute immediate action to help the families and businesses in Montana that have been under lockdown.

Local health departments immediately took offense to rolling back the directives as a majority of those in unelected positions are basing their planning on fear. As the plandemic is real and there is a threat to citizens that are vulnerable due to underlying conditions the full impact of the plandemic flu is unknown.

On the national level the events in Washington DC put many citizens on guard against threats against freedom. Here in Montana citizens from across the state gathered in multiple places to show unity for fair and honest elections without compromise. Many believe that the answer to tyranny begins with civil disobedience. Elected officials at all levels are hearing that message.

An event originally planned to be held at the Montana Capitol on January 6th to coincide with a national movement was denied by the Montana state administrators. The accelerated lockdown in place by Lewis & Clark County Health Department, set restrictions on the number of citizens that could gather to no more than 25. The patriot that sought the permit to gather at the capitol in good faith estimated that there would be 100 people show up. Due to that excessive number submitted for the permit, it was denied.

Many we talked to asked why they would even need to ask permission to gather at the Capitol. Under the Constitution, the right to assemble is a protected right. That protection extends the citizens rights that cannot be violated by government at any level.

At noon the citizens unaware of a concrete plan or agenda still gathered on the front steps of the Capitol. Showing unity and civil disobedience, the social distancing order from local government was ignored. The theme of the gathering was to show support for all elected officials that hold the election integrity at a high level of their duty to the people.

None of the Capitol security or officials with the state of Montana confronted anyone at the time, so it is perceived that they respect the right of the people to assemble.

The citizens we talked to all were discussing what was going on at the time in Washington DC and they all shared their concerns with each other. In an effort to get the picture to the many Montana patriots that were unable to participate we took several interviews and compiled them into a combination video here.

The gathering here in Montana was 100% filled with freedom loving patriots including Veterans that have fought and lost good friends defending American freedom. Where this will lead next is currently unknown, but we will assure everyone that we will do our best here at Conservative News From Montana to keep you informed.

Stay Tuned.

Citizens Gather In Front Of The People’s House In Support Of Freedom

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