By Tim Ravndal

Across Montana, many families have been at war with the abuse of children and families for many years. It is a very clear problem in Montana when we look beyond the headlines brought out by the Montana Department of Public Health & Human Services. Under this state organization, the child protective services division (CPS) is staffed across Montana to save children from abuse.

All CPS case workers are tasked with helping and saving a child from an abusive home. Some of the CPS case workers have a history that is not conducive to a safe atmosphere for children. If a child is taken from a home and put in danger because the system fails to properly administer a safe and healthy environment, families are impacted both economically and legally.

Under many programs it is noted that each child, depending on the jurisdiction, has a calculated value to build the budget of the department each fiscal year. The quest for numbers in any government agency is real. There are a certain number of children in the system that place the administration of CPS solvent through statutory funding for each child.

In one case, the parents of Tracy were targeted by US Marshals under the premise of child endangerment. The case of child endangerment was referred to a US marshal by a private investigator hired by Tracy’s ex-husband. A personal conflict of interest was brought forward in the case but the court turned a blind eye. In this manufacture of harm, a home was broken into by those working for the system without any just cause according to Tracy’s father.

The mother of her child fled for safety from an abusive atmosphere. Many cases the child endangerment cause for action is predominant. In this case, Tracy was charged with kidnapping of her own child.

When one member of a family is facing problems from an abusive relationship, it is common human nature to protect yourself and your baby. It was said long ago, it is not wise to place yourself between a mother and her baby. Tracy took action to escape an abusive relationship but was targeted by a system that has allegedly acted outside of the law on multiple occasions .

The case has been in court now for some time and began before a judge in Great Falls Montana that has a record of protecting the system for the system. A different judge is now hearing the case so the outcome is not certain but hopeful.

Tracy has been offered a plea agreement by the prosecutor that if she signs all her rights to her child and conform to the process called for by US Marshals that would result in a felony charge of custodial interference. In addition, her right to keep and bear arms would be forfeited for life.

This is happening right here in Montana where past Montana Attorney General Tim Fox was approached by multiple citizens crying for help to thwart the attacks orchestrated by CPS. In many calls for help, Mr. Fox has remained silent. DPHHS, having full control over the CPS program is one of the most over funded agencies in the State of Montana.

The cesspool in DPHHS is full of taxpayer funding with nearly zero accountability to the people of Montana.

NOTE: Conservative News From Montana fully supports protecting children from pedophile exposure and abuse. We have been in contact with multiple citizens that have given us the full documentation showing that this trend in DPHHS and CPS is real and a problem that our new Attorney General Austin Knudsen will need to take a close look at.

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