Missoula County is not outside most other communities in looking at the plandemic. Many hospitals across Montana are calling for more resources due to the projected numbers coming from CDC and Governor Bullock. With the fear that hospitals will run out of beds for other needs, additional resources are being sought.

The Village Health & Rehabilitation Center is one of the largest health care facilities in Missoula, with 193 beds. They announced it will admit positive COVID-19 patients as they are discharged from hospitals. This opens the door to more positive tested people to receive treatment as needed.

Previously the Village only opened their doors to one test positive patient. They claim they are taking extra care for patient safety and are stepping up to help the community in these challenging times.

The Village is registered with the federal government with 193 beds. The clearing house in Missoula County for Medicare and Medicaid Services is now granted the authority to receive test positive patients. Of course this means the Village is opening its checkbook to huge amounts of taxpayer dollar deposits..

“Village staff will have a team in place to review each admission which is required by the federal guidelines in the health care industry. Making precautions to avoid being dubbed as a super spreader facility, they will take all matters seriously and consult with the Missoula City-County Health Director Ellen Leahy.

The concern that is being pushed by Montana Department Public Health & Human Services is for a continuance of the plandemic lockdown. Ms Leahy does not think that a plandemic positive patient may need skilled nursing in a “Licensed” facility but does not need to be taking beds in a critical care hospital. That begs the question on the seriousness of the plandemic health threat according to many citizens in Missoula.

In October the Village provided the local health department an assessment that counted 98 cumulative positive cases among staff and residents. At that same time there were restrictions that were lifted on nursing homes to provide for care of test positive residents. The Missoula City-County Board of Health met this last week to discuss potential changes to the additional restrictions Leahy ordered on Oct. 27 2020. The outcome of that meeting is still pending.

With Governor Bullock adding additional restrictions on businesses and citizens, the envelope of fear is being amplified in facilities like The Village. When millions of taxpayer dollars are being allocated to facilitate control of the plandemic, there are many we spoke to that call foul. The seriousness of any flu outbreak is historically frightening in the beginning but the people adapt and live free. Covid Plandemic is however a different twist in the health care industry and how the people are allowed to adapt.

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