By Tim Ravndal

With a lack of acceptance of the order from Governor Bullock the citizens of Pondera County are seeing their elected officials recognize who they work for. The county unelected officials found themselves out in the cold with little to no support. Claiming they are all overworked, underpaid, and lack of support from the “Elected” officials, four members of the health department quit.

The Pondera County Commissioners are fully aware of the need to support health care professionals and are recognized for doing so. They are solid in keeping schools and businesses open. The rural county in Northwest Montana is not in a position to further impact the economy of the communities. Farming and ranching is a predominant industry and is the lifeline.

The leader of the Pondera County Health Department Nicki Sullivan is hiding behind the curtain and is crying for sympathy from the people for quitting. Conrad Montana is now going to have a new visitor to the unemployment line here in Montana caused by the plandemic thrust upon the people of Montana by Governor Bullock.

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