By Tim Ravndal

Vice President Mike Pence visited Montana on the campaign trail on September 14th 2020. Multiple candidates joined together to welcome the Vice President of the United States to Montana. One candidate is truly engaged in battle for the future of Montana Children.

Elsie Arntzen currently the Superintendent of Public instruction is in a heated battle to retain that position in Montana. Her opponent Melissa Romano tried to get the top seat in education in 2016. Mrs. Romano is now throwing the mud to the best of her ability to unseat Superintendent Arntzen.

Superintendent Elsie Arntzen

Superintendent Arntzen is at ground zero against current Governor Steve Bullock. She stated; “it is my job to protect the data privacy of Montana students, families, and school staff.

Superintendent Arntzen stated the Governor should ensure that the medical data of children and school staff are protected. The Governor goes beyond displaying data at the county level as is currently being done for general COVID-19 case reporting. Displaying data will increase the risk of exposing personally identifiable medical information leaving children and families vulnerable.

Superintendent Arntzen asked the Governor to reverse this decision. He should display aggregate data only at the county level. Unfortunately he continues to abuse his executive power by usurping power from other elected officials.

In another twist of education here in Montana protecting children from predators has gone off the charts in accountability. According to Superintendent Arntzen, The Board of Public Education should be ashamed. They have again refused to do their job. Allowing someone accused of sexual misconduct with a student to keep their teaching license is wrong.

Superintendent Arntzen requested that the board revoke a teachers license in December of 2018. At their January 2019 meeting, the Board voted not to hear the case. The OPI filed with the Helena District Court to overturn the Board’s decision in February of 2019. December of 2019, District Court ruled in the OPI’s favor and returned the case to the Board for further action.

The Board voted 5-1 to dismiss the case without a hearing. The denial of the due process children are constitutionally afforded is on the table again. To keep predators out of our classrooms and our children safe is essential. OPI will be taking the Board back to court according to Superintendent Arntzen.

Governor Bullock has usurped power away from the Montana Office of Public Instruction (OPI). His lockdown on the state of Montana has impacted teachers, students and parents across the state. Union endorsement of the democratic side of the political posturing in response to covid-19 and the impact is real.

The future of education in Montana is volatile and without question the impact to schools across the state is real.

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