By Tim Ravndal

President Donald J. Trump and the entire Republican Party filed action in court today against Governor Steve Bullock and Corey Stapleton as Montana Secretary of State.

On August 6th 2020, Governor Bullock issued a directive that pushed the election process in Montana outside of the Constitution. The plaintiffs in the case are declaring the directive that instituted an universal vote-by-mail balloting for the November Election.

Under the United States Constitution, Article 4 delineates the election clause and under Article II delineates the electors clause. Because of the directive, the Constitutional Election Rights are now in question. All legislative power is vested in the legislature and is clearly delineated in the Constitution of Montana under Articles IV and V, which specifically provides that the legislature shall provide by law the requirements for residence, registration, absentee voting, and administration of elections.

Montana Attorney James Brown filed the action in United States District Court on behalf of the President and the people of Montana. Mr. Brown is a recognized Constitutional Attorney that is known for standing up to opposition defending the rights of the people.

Governor Bullock according to the complaint filed today has usurped power from the Montana Legislature. Mr. Bullock purports that he is allowing universal vote-by-mail for the November 2020 election in answer to the covid 19 lockddown. “The Brazen power grab was not authorized by state law and violates both the Elections Clause and the Electors Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The Governor’s directive is invalid and must be enjoined.” according to Mr. Brown.

According to the complaint, the Governor created a system that will violate eligible citizens’ right to vote. Allowing vote-by-mail ballots to be automatically sent to every voter including voters who have moved, voters who have died, and voters who don’t want a ballot–he created a recipe for disaster. Rushing to automatically mail ballots to all voters invites fraud, coercion theft, and otherwise illegitimate voting

Fraudulent and invalid votes dilute the votes of the honest citizens and deprive them of their rights under the Fourteenth Amendment. The Democratic party has long sought to implement universal vote-by-mail and other changes to standard election laws because according to the party’s lead lawyer —such changes will help Democrats electoral prospects according to the complaint.

Governor Bullock’s power grab under the cover of Covid-19 is particularly egregious. The governor is running for U.S. Senate as a Democratic Candidate and his race is one of the most competitive in the United States. It is therefore alleged in the complaint that he is using his current position to force a brand-new election system on Montanans that, according to his own party will sway the election in his favor.

Defendant in the case Secretary Cory Stapleton is the Chief Elections officer and his duty is to oversee all elections within the State of Montana. It is his responsibility to ensure that all election laws and campaign disclosure requirements are enforced. In this case, Mr. Stapleton is equally culpable for the egregious usurpation of power and failure to enforce the election laws of Montana. It is therefore according to the complaint, there is an immediate impact on the rights of citizens. The action here also is purported to be a direct impact on candidates that have already been illegally impacted by the covid-19 lockdown by Governor Bullock and other elected and appointed officials.

The complaint also alleges that the rights of Montana citizens under the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the failure to uphold the election laws of Montana have been violated by the defendants in the case.

The complaint is asking for a permanent injunction that will prohibit the defendants from implementing the universal vote-by-mail directive. The complaint also seeks a granting of a restraining order against the defendants from proceeding with the universal vote-by-mail directive pending the conclusion of this action.

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