The elected officials in the Montana Legislature met and voted for their leadership which is the process that has been in place for a long time. This year the house leadership came down to a 1 vote difference in choosing the republican leader. Representative accountability appears to be the driving force behind the latest action in the people’s house here in Montana.
Those that have been actively engaged in the political battle here in Montana have watched a growth in less than faithful republican representation. Known as the “Solutions Caucus a faction of the 2019 legislature regularly crossed the line siding with democratic socialists enhancing communism.
The Montana 2021 Legislature will convene in just a few short weeks and there has been a movement to overturn the house leadership vote. This action was triggered due to the solutions caucus being given a full plate of leadership opportunities without question.
Representative Wylie Galt immediately upon receiving the nod with a single vote difference took to the comrades that have displayed a clear voting record not conducive to a conservative republican base. Mr. Galt quickly found a recall petition being circulated to overturn the legislative leadership election results.
Recall Petition
WHEREAS: For far too long, Helena insiders and the political establishment have controlled the legislative process. For sixteen years, Llew Jones and other Solutions Caucus members have routinely sided with Democrats to thwart Republican House leadership.
WHEREAS: During the 2019 Legislative session, this handful of Republicans joined with Democrats more than two hundred times to grow government, raise taxes, and hand Governor Bullock nearly every item on his far-left wish list.
WHEREAS: In the 2020 Primary, grassroots Montanans turned out in great numbers to vote these liberal Republican the “Democrat Wing” out of office resulting in Rep. Jones losing seven of his loyal supporters. In the General Election, conservatives created a Red Wave by winning every statewide office and giving Republicans a supermajority in both the House and Senate.
WHEREAS: Voters were clear: They want the lower taxes and smaller government which Governor-elect Gianforte has pledged to implement.
WHEREAS: Instead of putting conservatives in charge of the state’s budget, new House Speaker Wylie Galt (who won his speakership by one vote), has placed Rep. Llew Jones’ as chairman of Appropriations, perhaps the most important and powerful committee in the Montana House of Representatives.
WHEREAS: After 16 years of Democrats controlling the Governorship, we deserve an open government process. This must start with an open-ballot [Roll-Call vote] for a new election for Speaker of the House. Voters deserve to know that Republicans will act according to the conservative mandate granted them in the 2020 primary and general elections.
WHEREAS: We have lost confidence in Rep. Galt for placing a Solutions Caucus fake Republican in a position of powerful leadership as one of his first acts as Speaker of the House.
WHEREAS: In order to restore integrity in our state government, we are calling for a new election for 2021 Speaker of the House – with legislators publicly stating on record their choice so that they might be held accountable for that vote in their next primary.
Combined the Solutions voted over 4,600 times with the democrats in the 2019 session. By doing this they went against the republican majority and many times against the republican platform. All the while giving Bullock the bragging rights that he got everything that he wanted.
These are the wrong folks to now count on to lead us in conservative, constitutional legislation.
We voted Republican — not Rhino!! People vote NO and we find out Rhinos join Democrats and ignore our votes!! Get them out of leadership roles!!
Agree with this recall vote.
Get these RINOs out of leadership positions. What is wrong with you people?
Recall!! Thank God, there are term limits. I vote conservative, thats what I expect, not flipping rinos!!!