By Theresa Manzella

“I would like to thank the Hamilton City Council for the way they handled the recent proposal for painted crosswalks, the emotional meetings that ensued, and ultimately for making the right AND legal choice in adopting a policy that prevents painting the public roadway.

The Montana State Legislature adopted the Federal Highway Associations MUTCD guidelines as law for our state and MCA 61-8-206 makes it clear that all local control devices must conform to the state manual and specifications. The FHWA has consistently maintained that “designs or art treatments in crosswalks” are not MUTCD compliant.

Safety for all road users is the priority, and universal, consistent, recognizable crosswalk patterns promote safety and reduce confusion, and thus accidents.

I would also like to thank the Montana State DOT under the leadership of Malcom Long who helped research the issue and interfaced with the FWHA for the purpose of aiding me in presenting accurate citations and interpretations. I’m extremely pleased with our citizens for engaging in the process, expressing themselves both for and against, with their locally elected government personnel.

While I’m sure the process made many uncomfortable, you managed your discomfort and found your voice. I applaud you! The ability for civil discourse is what made this country great and separates us from so many others. We must preserve the practice.

And finally, to the youth who promoted the crosswalk and were angry and disappointed with the outcome – Thank you for engaging with your government. Being homosexual does not make you special and does not entitle you to special treatment. What does make you special, is that you’re a child of God. He’d have laid down His life and died for you…only you…just you. And that’s REALLY special.”

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