With political operatives posturing for elections, Idaho citizens united while legislators heard the call to duty. The Idaho Legislature convened a special session to deal with several issues facing the citizens including the Covid-19 plandemic.

Governor Little along with many other governors across the nation have used their executive power under the emergency powers act to instill control over the lives and economy of the state.

The Idaho house of representatives passed a resolution where the rights of the citizens took precedence. The resolution describing the need to respond to the multiple calls from citizens was initially rejected but, because the citizens refused to back down, the members of the Idaho legislative body agreed to pass the legislation.

In the resolution there were many points made regarding the need to improve the conditions imposed by Governor Little in his directives. Citizens were initially denied access to the proceedings and pushed their way into the Capitol. The battle in Idaho is not over. Many citizens across Montana and the West are seeking answers as to how far government will take the plandemic where the rights of the citizens are in question.

“WHEREAS, in addition to devastating economic damage, the wide-scale shutdown has also caused extensive collateral harm to the physical and mental health of our citizens. Prolonged isolation has resulted in added mental health strain, increases in suicide rates, and depression from unemployment and a reduced standard of living. Delays in seeking medical diagnostic services and receiving needed treatments has also negatively affected the health of Idahoans;”

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